Post 1: Hey, Guess What? I Can See You... - Kristianne Diores
Post 2: Ads of the Past - Did They Really Say That? - Angeli Marteja
Post 3: Social Awareness Contradiction - Debbie Lee
Post 4: The Changing Face of Video Games - Sarah Brown
Post 5: Photoshop Manipulation on Hiatus in the Media - Caitlin Chang
Post 6: Is Taxing Pop Really a Solution? - Stephanie Tam
Monday, February 1, 2010
Is Taxing Pop Really a Solution?

If there was tax or a larger sum of money for something like pop or chips, I think that it may work for a while, but then after a while, people would get used to the price and think that its normal. I don't think that taxing is a great help in reducing the number of junk food consumers buy. I think that the video advertising the effects of drinking pop is more effective and efficient.
Photoshop Manipulation on Hiatus in the Media
I think that Photoshop is a great and fun software to use. However, many people have misused it in designing ads. Photo editors who distort our view of people overused it to the intent that the photo itself looks nothing like the original one. The photos might end up looking strange and unnatural. It bothers me a lot that companies who let these types of advertisement be published. I mean, who actually want to have hips which look as if it can snap by a touch? This shouldn't be done. They are promoting the wrong things and influencing the society the wrong way.
For example. in these pictures are before and after pictures of photoshopped models. As you can see, they are already really thin in the original pictures but the editors decided that it still wasn't enough. Using Photoshop, they made the models abnormally skinny - to the point that we can see their ribs and bones. I think this is really unnescessary. I mean, would people really look at these photos and say that its attractive looking at their bones? I think not. I think that it is really scary. To me they both look really sick and and unhealthy. I don't know the reason why they Photoshopped them this way. If it was to SHOW how the advertisements these days are overexaggerated and over the top, I think it would be very effective but i doubt it. I think the chances of that are very slim taking into consideration how other advertisements these days are like.
I think the idea of using “normal” people as models for photos in an ad or in a runway is a really good start to help promote that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Personally, I think that using these types of models are more useful for advertising. If an advertisement had a very attracting person, the viewer would most likely concentrate on the model instead of looking at the product or message they are advertising. I think that using a normal person as a model would send a better message.
I think this type of advertisment is going to stay for pretty long - it is a new trend which many people would agree too. Something with a great impact such as this would be really effective. Since advertisements are the most effective when they catches someone's attention or if it's different and clever, I think that using normal people as models would do the job and also give the right message. It kills two birds with one stone.
The Changing Face of Video Games
Video games truly have change quite a lot over the years. All video games are addicting but after a while, humans tend to get tired or bored of the same thing. I personally don’t have any experience with video games since I don’t own any (which is pretty abnormal wouldn’t you say?) However, I have played with them. I remember there was a time when McDonalds gave out mini video games for their Kid’s Meals. I had two of them but after a month or so when I beat the whole game, I felt that it was unnecessary and it became boring. I’m pretty sure the same thing would happen to other games as well. Most likely, the harder games would keep one more interested longer.
I have once played with online games such as Runescape. In the beginning I thought that it was cool and got pretty addicted to the site. But after a while, I realized all I was doing was the same thing over and over again. It became boring and soon I quit playing. After I quit, I realized all I did was waste a whole lot of my time. I mean, was there any benefits in killing monsters and getting a high skill on something? You can’t even brag about it to your friends.
I don't think that video games would ever be all beneficial. Even though games like Wii Sports are now developed, I think that they are still harming people. People still would get addicted to the game and not know what is going on around them. For example, there was an incident with a boy who jumped off the tree because his parents took away his video game. Video games can always do damage to people. Even staring at the screen too much would harm one’s eyes.

In my opinion, I think that video games are now just for the purpose of entertainment. All of the games which are said to be useful are just activities which anyone can do every day but has been translated to a screen with a controller. Personally, I think that video games are for the purpose of getting rid of boredom and not for promoting healthy benefits for everyone.
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